import os import requests import re import configparser from datetime import datetime import logging import sys import subprocess THRESHOLD = 90 class QuotaCheck: def __init__(self): self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() def get_torrent_clients(self, path): torrent_clients = [] remove_apps = ['backup', 'nginx'] all_apps = os.listdir(path) installed_apps = list(set(all_apps).difference(remove_apps)) docker_apps = list(set(all_apps).intersection(installed_apps)) remove_config = ['systemd'] all_configs = os.listdir(path) all_torrent_clients = list(set(all_configs).difference(remove_config)) if "rtorrent" in all_torrent_clients: torrent_clients.append('rtorrent') if "deluge" in all_torrent_clients: torrent_clients.append('deluge') if "qbittorrent-nox" in all_torrent_clients: torrent_clients.append('qbittorrent') if "transmission-daemon" in all_torrent_clients: torrent_clients.append('transmission') if "nzbget" in docker_apps: torrent_clients.append('nzbget') if "sabnzbd" in docker_apps: torrent_clients.append('sabnzbd') return torrent_clients def get_quota_value(self): try: process = subprocess.Popen(["quota", "-s"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) try: output, error = process.communicate(timeout=10) # Set a timeout value in seconds except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: process.terminate() # Terminate the process if it times out process.wait() process.kill(9)# Wait for the process to finish logging.error("Timeout expired while executing 'quota' command.") return None, None, None if process.returncode == 0: quota = output.decode().split() used_quota_value = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", quota[17]) used_quota_metric = re.sub("[^A-Z]", "", quota[17]) quota_limit = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", quota[19]) return used_quota_metric, used_quota_value, quota_limit else: logging.error(f"Failed to execute 'quota' command. Error: {error.decode()}") return None, None, None except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in get_quota_value: {str(e)}") return None, None, None def quota_percentage(self, used_quota_metric, used_quota_value, quota_limit): used_quota_value = float(used_quota_value) quota_limit = float(quota_limit) if used_quota_metric == "G": quota_percent = (used_quota_value / quota_limit) * 100 elif used_quota_metric == "M": used_quota_value = used_quota_value * 0.1027 quota_percent = (used_quota_value / quota_limit) * 100 else: return 0.0 return round(quota_percent, 1) def compare_quota(self, threshold, quota_percent): return threshold < quota_percent def update_discord_value(self, value): self.config.set('option', 'discord_notification', value) with open(config_file, 'w') as configfile: self.config.write(configfile) def discord_notifications_accepter(self): while True: web_url = input("Please enter your Discord Web Hook URL Here:") response = requests.get(web_url) if response.ok: return web_url else: print("Wrong Web Hook URL. Please enter the correct one.") def discord_notification(self, webhook, alert, discord, choice): if alert and discord == "True": if choice.lower() in ["yes", "y"]: content = "```You are going to hit your disk quota. Please delete some data or upgrade your service to a larger plan. The disk is almost full. Commands to stop torrent clients and Usenet downloaders executed. :)```" else: content = "```You are going to hit your disk quota. Please delete some data or upgrade your service to a larger plan.```" data = { "content": content } response =, json=data) if response.ok: self.update_discord_value("False") return True else: print("Failed to send Discord notification.") return False def stop_torrent_clients(self, torrent_clients): if torrent_clients: for client in torrent_clients: try:["app-{}".format(client), "stop"], capture_output=True, text=True, timeout=10, check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logging.error(f"Failed to stop torrent client {client}. Error: {e.stderr}") except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: logging.error(f"Timeout expired while stopping torrent client {client}.") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error in stop_torrent_clients: {str(e)}") def torrent_stopping_opt(self): opt = input("Do you wish to stop torrent clients on hitting the disk limit? (yes/no): ") return opt.lower() def create_config_file(self, url, opt): self.config.add_section('Webhook') self.config.set('Webhook', 'value', url) self.config.add_section('option') self.config.set('option', 'stop_torrentclient', opt) self.config.set('option', 'Discord_notification', "True") with open(config_file, 'w') as configfile: self.config.write(configfile) def read_config_file(self): try: if not self.config.has_section('Webhook'): error_msg = "Webhook section not found in config file." logging.error(error_msg) sys.exit(1) url = self.config.get('Webhook', 'value') value = self.config.get('option', 'stop_torrentclient') discord = self.config.get('option', 'Discord_notification') return url, value, discord except configparser.NoOptionError as e: error_msg = f"Option not found in section: {e.section} - {e.option}" logging.error(error_msg) except Exception as e: error_msg = str(e) logging.error(error_msg) if __name__ == '__main__': work_dir = os.getcwd() config_path = os.path.join(work_dir, 'bin') config_file = os.path.join(work_dir, 'scripts', 'Ultra-Quota-Checker', 'config.ini') log_file = os.path.join(work_dir, 'scripts', 'Ultra-Quota-Checker', 'quota.log') base_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.join(base_directory, "logfilename.log"), level=logging.WARNING) checker = QuotaCheck() check = os.path.exists(config_file) if not check: url = checker.discord_notifications_accepter() opt = checker.torrent_stopping_opt() checker.create_config_file(url, opt) else: url, value, discord = checker.read_config_file() print(f"URL: {url}, Value: {value}, Discord: {discord}") used_quota_metric, used_quota_value, quota_limit = checker.get_quota_value() quota_percent = checker.quota_percentage(used_quota_metric, used_quota_value, quota_limit) alert = checker.compare_quota(THRESHOLD, quota_percent) if not alert: checker.update_discord_value("True") checker.discord_notification(url, alert, discord, value) if alert and value.lower() == "yes": torrent_clients = checker.get_torrent_clients(config_path) checker.stop_torrent_clients(torrent_clients)