import os import time import shutil import logging as l from datetime import datetime import logging import sys import subprocess """ Variables declarated below """ homedir = os.getcwd() script_dir = os.path.join(homedir,'scripts/Ultra-Backup') backupdirectory = os.path.join(homedir, 'BackUpFolder') backupdestination = os.path.join(homedir, 'BackUpFolder/Config') Session_directory = os.path.join(homedir, 'BackUpFolder/Session_dir') desination_dir = "UltraBackupDir" now = current_date = str( Upload_BackupFolder = os.path.join(homedir, "Ultra-Backup-" + current_date) remote_mount_file = os.path.join(script_dir,'config.txt') log_file = os.path.join(homedir,'scripts/Ultra-Backup/backup_log.txt') # Specify the log file name and path # Configure logging to write to the log file logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', handlers=[logging.FileHandler(log_file)]) """ Paths are declared as a list to make them as iterable item """ conifg_list = ['.apps/bazarr/db/bazarr.db', '.apps/bazarr/config/config.ini', '.apps/lidarr/lidarr.db', '.apps/lidarr/config.xml', '.apps/ombi/Ombi.db', '.apps/ombi/OmbiSettings.db', '.apps/jackett/Jackett/ServerConfig.json', '.apps/radarr/config.xml', '.apps/radarr/radarr.db', '.apps/mylar3/mylar/config.ini', '.apps/mylar3/mylar/mylar.db', '.apps/ubooquity/preferences.json', '.apps/ubooquity/', '.apps/jellyfin/data/data/jellyfin.db', '.apps/jellyfin/data/data/library.db', '.apps/overseerr/db/db.sqlite3', '.apps/overseerr/settings.json', '.apps/sonarr/config.xml', '.apps/sonarr/sonarr.db', '.apps/emby/data/library.db', '.apps/sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini', '.apps/syncthing/config.xml', '.apps/syncthing/index-v0.14.0.db', '.apps/nzbget/nzbget.conf', '.apps/readarr/config.xml', '.apps/readarr/readarr.db', '.apps/tautulli/config.ini', '.apps/tautulli/tautulli.db', '.apps/nzbhydra2/database/', '.apps/nzbhydra2/nzbhydra.yml', '.apps/prowlarr/config.xml', '.apps/prowlarr/prowlarr.db', '.apps/autobrr/autobrr.db', '.apps/autobrr/config.toml', '.config/rtorrent/rtorrent.rc', '.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json', '.config/qBittorrent/qBittorrent.conf', '.config/deluge/core.conf', '.config/deluge/web.conf', '.config/deluge/execute.conf', '.autodl/autodl.cfg' ] plex_list = ['.config/plex/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Preferences.xml', '.config/plex/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-in\ Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.blobs.db', '.config/plex/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-in\ Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db'] session_state = ['.config/deluge/state/', '.config/transmission-daemon/torrents/', '.config/rtorrent/session/', '.local/share/qBittorrent/BT_backup/'] jacket_list = '.apps/jackett/Jackett/Indexers' deluge_path = '.config/deluge' """ Supportive functions create_backup_dir: Create backup directory and sub directory get_app_name : Get app name from path purpose to create sub directory get_session_app_name: Get app name from session purpose to create sub directory remote_mount_name: Create a file where it will store remote mount name read_remote_mount_name : read mount name from file """ def create_backup_dir(): if not os.path.exists(backupdirectory): os.mkdir(backupdirectory, mode=0o755) if not os.path.exists(backupdestination): os.mkdir(backupdestination, mode=0o755) if not os.path.exists(Session_directory): os.mkdir(Session_directory, mode=0o755) def get_app_name(path): return path.split('/')[4] def get_session_app_name(path): if "rtorrent" in path: return "rtorrent" if "deluge" in path: return "deluge" if "transmission-daemon" in path: return "transmission-daemon" if "qBittorrent" in path: return "qBittorrent" def remote_mount_name(file_path): remote_list = os.popen("rclone listremotes | wc -l").read() if "0" in remote_list: pass else: remote_lists = os.popen("rclone listremotes").read() print("List of your remote mounts:") print(remote_lists) name = input("Please enter your rclone remote name [Example - gdrive]:") if ":" in name: name = name.replace(":", "") with open(file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(name) def read_remote_mount_name(file_path): log_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "logfile.log") logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file_path, level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') if os.path.exists(file_path) and os.path.getsize(file_path) > 0: with open(file_path, 'r') as f: return else: logging.warning("The Discord WebHook file is empty or doesn't exist.") sys.exit(1) def check_file_dir_exists(file_path,mode): if mode == 'f': result = os.popen('[ -f {} ] && echo -n 1'.format(file_path )).read() else: result = os.popen('[ -d {} ] && echo -n 1'.format(file_path)).read() if result == '1': return True else: return False def Clean_up(path): result = os.popen('rm -rf {}'.format(path)).read() """ Main Functions config_exist: Copy all important min essential config,db etc to Backup/config directory plex_check: Copy all plex db to BackUp/Config directory session_exit: Copy session directory to Backup/session directory zip_backup_directory: Zip the BackUp folder will be easy to upload to google drive rclone_copy_command : Rclone copy command will upload backup directory to google drive """ def config_exist(conifg_list): for paths in conifg_list: paths = os.path.join(homedir,paths) result = os.popen('[ -f {} ] && echo -n 1'.format(paths)).read() if result == '1': app_name = get_app_name(paths) if app_name in paths: app_paths = os.path.join(backupdestination, app_name) app_path_dest = app_paths + '/' time.sleep(1) if not os.path.exists(app_paths): os.mkdir(app_paths, mode=0o755) shutil.copy(r"{}".format(paths), app_path_dest) if os.path.exists(app_paths): shutil.copy(r"{}".format(paths), app_path_dest) return True def plex_check(plex_list): for paths in plex_list: paths = os.path.join(homedir, paths) result = os.popen('[ -f {} ] && echo -n 1'.format(paths)).read() if result == '1': app_name = get_app_name(paths) if app_name in paths: app_paths = os.path.join(backupdestination, app_name) app_path_dest = app_paths + '/' time.sleep(1) if not os.path.exists(app_paths): os.mkdir(app_paths, mode=0o755) try: # Use to execute the 'cp' command['cp', '-rf', paths, app_path_dest], check=True, timeout=10) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # Kill the 'cp' process if it exceeds the timeout cp_process = subprocess.Popen(['cp', '-rf', paths, app_path_dest], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) cp_process.terminate() time.sleep(1) # Wait for termination to take effect cp_process.kill() logging.warning("Timeout expired for Plex copy process. Killed.") return False else: print(paths, " not exist") return True def session_exit(session_state): for paths in session_state: paths = os.path.join(homedir, paths) result = os.popen('[ -d {} ] && echo -n 1'.format(paths)).read() if result == '1': app_name = get_session_app_name(paths) if app_name in paths: app_paths = os.path.join(Session_directory, app_name) destination_session = app_paths + "/" if not os.path.exists(app_paths): os.mkdir(app_paths, mode=0o755) try: # Use to execute the 'cp' command['cp', '-rf', paths, destination_session], check=True, timeout=10) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # Kill the 'cp' process if it exceeds the timeout cp_process = subprocess.Popen(['cp', '-rf', paths, destination_session], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) cp_process.terminate() time.sleep(1) # Wait for termination to take effect cp_process.kill() logging.warning("Timeout expired for session exit copy process. Killed.") return False else: print(paths, " not exist") return True def Jacket_list(path): paths = os.path.join(homedir, path) result = os.popen('[ -d {} ] && echo -n 1'.format(paths)).read() if result == '1': app_name = 'jackett' if app_name in paths: app_paths = os.path.join(backupdestination, app_name) destination_session = app_paths + "/" index_path = paths + "/*.json" if not os.path.exists(app_paths): os.mkdir(app_paths, mode=0o755) try: # Use to execute the 'cp' command['cp', '-rf', index_path, destination_session], check=True, timeout=10) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # Kill the 'cp' process if it exceeds the timeout cp_index_process = subprocess.Popen(['cp', '-rf', index_path, destination_session], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) cp_index_process.terminate() time.sleep(1) # Wait for termination to take effect cp_index_process.kill() logging.warning("Timeout expired for Jackett copy process. Killed.") return False return True else: print(paths, " not exist") return False def Deluge(path): paths = os.path.join(homedir, path) result = os.popen('[ -d {} ] && echo -n 1'.format(paths)).read() if result == '1': app_name = 'deluge' if app_name in paths: app_paths = os.path.join(backupdestination, app_name) destination_session = app_paths + "/" conf_path = paths + "/*.conf" back_path = paths + "/*.bak" if not os.path.exists(app_paths): os.mkdir(app_paths, mode=0o755) try: # Use to execute the 'cp' commands['cp', '-rf', conf_path, destination_session], check=True, timeout=10)['cp', '-rf', back_path, destination_session], check=True, timeout=10) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # Kill the 'cp' processes if they exceed the timeout cp_conf_process = subprocess.Popen(['cp', '-rf', conf_path, destination_session], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) cp_back_process = subprocess.Popen(['cp', '-rf', back_path, destination_session], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) cp_conf_process.terminate() cp_back_process.terminate() time.sleep(1) # Wait for termination to take effect cp_conf_process.kill() cp_back_process.kill() logging.warning("Timeout expired for Deluge copy process. Killed.") return False return True else: print(paths, " not exist") return False import subprocess def zip_backup_directory(source, destination): try: # Use to execute the zip command['zip', '-0rq', destination, source], check=True, timeout=120) # Check if the zip file was created if os.path.isfile(destination + '.zip'):"Zip command succeeded.") return True else: logging.warning("Zip command succeeded, but the zip file was not created.") return False except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # Kill the zip process if it exceeds the timeout zip_process = subprocess.Popen(['zip', '-0rq', destination, source], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) zip_process.terminate() time.sleep(1) # Wait for termination to take effect zip_process.kill() logging.warning("Timeout expired for zip command process. Killed.") return False def rclone_copy_command(zip_file_path, mount_name, destination_dir): try: # Use to execute the rclone copy command result =['rclone', '-P', 'copy', zip_file_path, f'{mount_name}:{destination_dir}', '--create-empty-src-dirs'], check=True, timeout=10, capture_output=True, text=True) if "100%" in result.stdout:"Rclone transfer successful.") return True else: logging.error("Rclone transfer failed.") return False except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # Kill the rclone process if it exceeds the timeout rclone_process = subprocess.Popen(['rclone', '-P', 'copy', zip_file_path, f'{mount_name}:{destination_dir}', '--create-empty-src-dirs'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) rclone_process.terminate() time.sleep(1) # Wait for termination to take effect rclone_process.kill() logging.warning("Timeout expired for rclone transfer process. Killed.") return False if __name__ == '__main__': # Create BackUp directory check_remote_file = check_file_dir_exists(remote_mount_file,'f') if not check_remote_file: remote_mount_name(remote_mount_file) create_backup_dir() check_dir = check_file_dir_exists(backupdirectory,'d') remote_list = os.popen("rclone listremotes | wc -l").read() if "0" in remote_list: logging.error("A remote mount has not been configured; you must establish one before proceeding.") sys.exit(0) if check_dir: # Copy all important files like DB,XML.Config etc to Back Up folder and create directory with app name config_exist(conifg_list) # Copy plex important files to back up folder plex_check(plex_list) # back up torrent session to backup folder session_exit(session_state) # check if jacket indexer exist Jacket_list(jacket_list) # backup deluge .conf and .bak file Deluge(deluge_path) # create a zip file of BackUp folder output = zip_backup_directory(backupdirectory, Upload_BackupFolder) # # return True if zip file is created and exist if output: # # read mount name from file mount_name = read_remote_mount_name(remote_mount_file) # # use rclone copy command and upload .zip file to google drive upload_check = rclone_copy_command(Upload_BackupFolder + '.zip',mount_name) # # If upload is successful, return True if upload_check: # delete BackupDirectory Clean_up(backupdirectory) # delete backup directory .zip Clean_up(Upload_BackupFolder + '.zip') else: upload_check = rclone_copy_command(Upload_BackupFolder + '.zip',mount_name) else: output = zip_backup_directory(backupdirectory, Upload_BackupFolder) if output: # read mount name from file mount_name = read_remote_mount_name(remote_mount_file) # use rclone copy command and upload .zip file to google drive upload_check = rclone_copy_command(Upload_BackupFolder + '.zip',mount_name) # If upload is successful, return True if upload_check: # delete BackupDirectory Clean_up(backupdirectory) # delete backup directory .zip Clean_up(Upload_BackupFolder + '.zip')