#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail #Disclaimer printf "\033[0;31mDisclaimer: This installer is unofficial and Ultra.cc staff will not support any issues with it.\033[0m\n" read -rp "Type confirm if you wish to continue: " input if [ ! "$input" = "confirm" ]; then exit fi clear cd "${HOME}" || exit 1 #Functions port_picker() { port='' while [ -z "${port}" ]; do app-ports show echo "Pick any application from the list above, that you're not currently using." echo "We'll be using this port for autobrr." read -rp "$(tput setaf 4)$(tput bold)Application name in full[Example: pyload]: $(tput sgr0)" appname proper_app_name=$(app-ports show | grep -i "${appname}" | head -n 1 | cut -c 7-) || proper_app_name='' port=$(app-ports show | grep -i "${appname}" | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}') || port='' if [ -z "${port}" ]; then echo "$(tput setaf 1)Invalid choice! Please choose an application from the list and avoid typos.$(tput sgr0)" echo "$(tput bold)Listing all applications again..$(tput sgr0)" sleep 10 clear elif netstat -ntpl | grep "${port}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "$(tput setaf 1)Port ${port} is already in use by ${proper_app_name}.$(tput sgr0)" port='' echo "$(tput setaf 1)Please choose another application from the list.$(tput sgr0)" echo "$(tput bold)Listing all applications again..$(tput sgr0)" sleep 10 clear fi done echo "$(tput setaf 2)Are you sure you want to use ${proper_app_name}'s port? type 'confirm' to proceed.$(tput sgr0)" read -r input if [ ! "${input}" = "confirm" ]; then exit fi echo } ask_yes_or_no() { echo "Input 1 or 2: " select choice in "Yes" "No"; do case ${choice} in Yes) break ;; No) exit 0 ;; *) exit 0 ;; esac done echo } required_paths() { declare -a paths paths[1]="${HOME}/.config/autobrr/log" paths[2]="${HOME}/.config/systemd/user" paths[3]="${HOME}/.apps/nginx/proxy.d" paths[4]="${HOME}/bin" paths[5]="${HOME}/.apps/backup" for i in {1..5}; do if [ ! -d "${paths[${i}]}" ]; then mkdir -p "${paths[${i}]}" fi done } latest_version() { echo "Getting latest version of autobrr.." LATEST_RELEASE=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/autobrr/autobrr/releases/latest | grep download | grep linux_x86_64 | cut -d\" -f4) mkdir -p "${HOME}/.autobrr-tmp" wget -qO "${HOME}/.autobrr-tmp/autobrr.tar.gz" "${LATEST_RELEASE}" || { echo "Failed to get latest release of autobrr." && exit 1 } rm -rf "${HOME}/bin"/autobrr* tar -xf "${HOME}/.autobrr-tmp/autobrr.tar.gz" -C "${HOME}/.autobrr-tmp" && rm "${HOME}/.autobrr-tmp/autobrr.tar.gz" cp -r "${HOME}/.autobrr-tmp"/* "${HOME}/bin/" rm -rf "${HOME}/.autobrr-tmp" echo } get_password() { while true; do read -rsp "The password for autobrr: " password echo read -rsp "The password for autobrr (again): " password2 echo [ "${password}" = "${password2}" ] && break echo "Passwords didn't match, try again." done } nginx_conf() { cat </dev/null location /autobrr/ { proxy_pass${port}; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host \$http_host; rewrite ^/autobrr/(.*) /\$1 break; } EOF app-nginx restart } systemd_service() { cat </dev/null [Unit] Description=autobrr After=syslog.target network-online.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=%h/bin/autobrr --config=%h/.config/autobrr/ [Install] WantedBy=default.target EOF systemctl --user daemon-reload } create_user() { echo "${password}" | "${HOME}/bin/autobrrctl" --config "${HOME}/.config/autobrr" create-user "${USER}" || { echo "Failed to create user." && exit 1 } } update_password() { get_password echo "${password}" | "${HOME}/bin/autobrrctl" --config "${HOME}/.config/autobrr" change-password "${USER}" || { echo echo "Failed to change password." echo exit 1 } echo echo "Password changed successfully." echo } create_config_file() { session_secret=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c16) cat </dev/null host = "" port = "${port}" baseUrl = "/autobrr/" logPath = "${HOME}/.config/autobrr/log/autobrr.log" logLevel = "INFO" sessionSecret = "${session_secret}" EOF } update_config_file(){ config="${HOME}/.config/autobrr/config.toml" if [ ! -f "${config}" ]; then echo "autobrr config.toml does not exist." echo "Create new one?" ask_yes_or_no create_config_file else sed -i "s+host =.*+host = \"\"+g" "${config}" sed -i "s+port =.*+port = \"${port}\"+g" "${config}" sed -i "s+baseUrl =.*+baseUrl = \"/autobrr/\"+g" "${config}" fi } create_backup() { backup="${HOME}/.apps/backup/autobrr-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).bak.tar.gz" echo echo "Creating a backup of the data directory.." tar -czf "${backup}" -C "${HOME}/.config/" "autobrr" || { backup='' return 1 } echo "Backup created." } uninstall() { echo echo "Uninstalling autobrr.." if systemctl --user is-enabled --quiet "autobrr.service" || [ -f "${HOME}/.config/systemd/user/autobrr.service" ]; then systemctl --user stop autobrr.service systemctl --user disable autobrr.service fi create_backup || { echo "Failed to create a backup." echo "Do you still wish to continue?" ask_yes_or_no } rm -f "${HOME}/.config/systemd/user/autobrr.service" systemctl --user daemon-reload systemctl --user reset-failed rm -rf "${HOME}/.config/autobrr" rm -f "${HOME}/.apps/nginx/proxy.d/autobrr.conf" app-nginx restart rm -rf "${HOME}/bin"/autobrr* echo echo "Uninstallation Complete." } fresh_install() { if [ ! -d "${HOME}/.config/autobrr" ]; then echo echo "Fresh install of autobrr" sleep 3 clear port_picker required_paths latest_version create_config_file get_password create_user systemd_service nginx_conf systemctl --user --quiet enable --now autobrr.service sleep 3 if systemctl --user is-active --quiet "autobrr.service" && systemctl --user is-active --quiet "nginx.service"; then echo echo "autobrr installation is complete." echo "Access autobrr at the following URL:https://${USER}.${HOSTNAME}.usbx.me/autobrr" [ -n "${backup}" ] && echo "Backup of old instance has been saved at ${backup}." echo exit else echo "Something went wrong. Run the script again." && exit fi fi } # Script backup='' fresh_install if [ -d "${HOME}/.config/autobrr" ]; then echo "Old installation of autobrr detected." echo "How do you wish to proceed? In all cases except quit, autobrr will be backed up." select status in 'Fresh Install' 'Update & Repair' 'Change Password' 'Uninstall' 'Quit'; do case ${status} in 'Fresh Install') uninstall fresh_install break ;; 'Update & Repair') systemctl --user stop autobrr.service || { echo "autobrr's systemd service not found. Update & Repair failed." && exit 1 } create_backup || { echo "Failed to create a backup. Old install of autobrr does not exist to update." && exit 1 } echo echo "Update & Repair" sleep 3 clear port_picker required_paths latest_version update_config_file nginx_conf systemd_service systemctl --user restart autobrr.service echo "autobrr has been updated." echo exit break ;; 'Change Password') echo update_password exit break ;; 'Uninstall') uninstall [ -n "${backup}" ] && echo "Backup of old instance created at ${backup}." echo exit break ;; 'Quit') exit 0 ;; *) echo "Invalid option $REPLY." ;; esac done fi